Career Exploration Group (Fall 2019): Registration
Register to event as a "Student"
Date: Fall 2019 (starting date October 10th)
Time: Thursdays 2:30-3:30 pm (six-week-program)
Location: C3053 

Career Exploration Group is a six-week-career exploration program aimed to empower students to recognize, foster, and apply their interests and strengths towards the selection and achievement of their career goals. Collegiality is a key feature of the program and is aimed to encourage professional relationships that foster community and sense of belonging.
As a part of the program, students will:
Complete three assessments (Career Cruising, Strong Interest Inventory, StrengthsFinder);
Develop a career portfolio including career mind maps, assessment results, self-reflection questionnaires;
Learn how to make informed decisions about their career exploration and employment goals.
Attention: Spaces for the program are limited - when applying for the program, please answer all the questions in the registration form. Students selected for the program will be contacted after the application deadline.
Contact Information

Please note that spaces for the Career Exploration Group are limited. Admission to the Career Exploration Group is through a competitive process that assesses an applicant's motivation and interest in attending the program.

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